

Excelling at MCRP Site: Earning Client Appreciation
Excelling at MCRP Site: Earning Client Appreciation

Excelling at MCRP Site: Earning Client Appreciation

Freyssinet India achieved a significant milestone as we successfully loaded the RHS Arch Girder onto the barge, ready to sail from the fabrication yard to the erection site at MCRP. This endeavour was no small feat, especially given the complexities posed by the inclined arch shape.

Marked another momentous occasion as Mr. Ajit Gulabchand, CMD of HCC, along with his daughter Ms Shalaka Gulabchand and esteemed officials from MCGM, visited the MCRP site. We had the honor of briefing them on the meticulous execution of the project, detailing every step of the process.

The challenges we faced were indeed formidable, but thanks to the unwavering dedication and tireless efforts of our entire team, we persevered. Working around the clock for the past week, our team demonstrated a remarkable commitment to ensure timely execution.

We are immensely proud to share that our efforts did not go unnoticed. The HCC team expressed their heartfelt appreciation for our hard work and dedication.

Congratulations to the entire team at MCRP for this remarkable achievement!